Install PHP SPX in a Warden Environment
PHP SPX is a simple, free and open source profiler. It covers both FPM and CLI requests, and provides a built-in UI to visualise the generated reports.
For more information, please see the PHP SPX Github Repository or Demo Report.
The Warden 0.15.0 release starts to implement official support for PHP SPX. Building the relevant docker images & making the relevant configuration changes within Nginx/Varnish.
See the following Github Comment on instructions on how to enable it on a project per project basis.
And the following Pull Request is currently open to finish the implementation.
Below v0.15.0
For warden versions 0.14.3
and below, we can run the following script from the host machine whilst within a warden project.
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# A fairly simple shell script to install and configure PHP-SPX within a Environment
# Usage:
# - Download the script: `curl https://... > ~/`
# - Set Permissions on the script `chmod +x ~/`
# - cd to your warden project `cd ~/Projects/magento.test`
# - Run the downloaded script `sh ~/`
# - Navigate to the SPX control panel `https://app.mywebsite.test/?SPX_KEY=dev&SPX_UI_URI=/` and enable profiling
# - Hit the pages you want to profile
# - Navigate back to the SPX control panel to view the traces
set -e
echo "-------------------------"
echo " Warden SPX Installation "
echo "-------------------------"
echo "[i] Checking if this is a Warden Project"
warden env config >/dev/null
echo "[i] Checking if SPX is already installed"
RC=$(warden shell -c "php -m | grep SPX; echo $?")
[ "$RC" != "0" ] && exit 255
echo "[i] Installing Dependencies"
warden shell -c "sudo yum install -y php-devel"
echo "[i] Downloading SPX Source Code"
warden shell -c "rm -rf /tmp/spx; git clone /tmp/spx"
echo "[i] Building SPX Extension"
warden shell -c "cd /tmp/spx && phpize && ./configure && make && sudo make install"
echo "[i] Writing SPX Configuration"
warden shell -c "
cat - <<EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/php.d/99-spx.ini
echo "[i] Add Varnish Cache Bypass"
warden env exec varnish sh -c "sed -i '#^.*SPX_ENABLED.*$#d' /etc/varnish/default.vcl"
warden env exec varnish sh -c "sed -i 's#sub vcl_recv {#sub vcl_recv {\nif (req.url ~ \"SPX_UI_URI|SPX_KEY\" || req.http.Cookie ~ \"SPX_ENABLED\") { return (pass); }#g' /etc/varnish/default.vcl"
echo "[i] Reloading Varnish Config"
T=$(date +%s)
warden env exec varnish sh -c "varnishadm vcl.load reload$T /etc/varnish/default.vcl; varnishadm vcl.use reload$T;"
echo "[i] Restarting PHP-FPM Container"
warden env restart php-fpm