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Composer Artifacts


If your packages have a large file size, you will want to consider Git LFS or a private repository.

If a module is not distributed via composer, we can still include it via composer by using the artifacts repository type in composer.

Configure Composer

First we create a folder in the repository to store the artifacts, and configure it as a composer repository source.

mkdir -p packages/composer
composer config repositories._packages artifact ./packages/composer

Prepare the Artifacts

Ensure the artifacts contain a composer.json file in the root. This is your usual composer.json file that will contain the module name, versions, requirements and autoloader configuration. If one does not exist, create it.

Package the Artifact

Then package the artifact into a zip file in the directory we created during configuration.

We are going to include the version in the artifact name, as we can add additional versions easily. We can optionally remove older versions to clean up.

zip -r packages/composer/{vendor}-{module}-{version}.zip /tmp/MyPackage/